May 2022

Energy Is Omnipresent

Everything, everywhere around us, all the space is energy. Again, to be exact, 99.99999% energy. Only .00001% is matter. In a vacuum, energy cannot be removed. Energy is omnipresent. What is energy? Many different things manifest in different shapes and forms.

Plants Can Feel, Hear And Remember

There are studies which have shown plants are susceptible to a person’s energy and know when they enter the room. In another study published in Entomology Today in 2014 the researchers showed that plants can hear and remember.

These researchers played the sounds of a caterpillar munching on leaves from a tape recorder and the plants responded by producing chemical defenses. “What is remarkable is that the plants exposed to different vibrations, including those made by a gentle wind or different insect sounds that share some acoustic features with caterpillar feeding vibrations, did not increase their chemical defenses,” Professor Rex Cocroft said.

“Previous research has investigated how plants respond to acoustic energy, including music,” said Heidi Appel, a research scientist. “However, our work is the first example of how plants respond to an ecologically relevant vibration. We found that feeding vibrations signal changes in the plant cells’ metabolism, creating more defensive chemicals that can repel attacks from caterpillars.” Clearly, there is much more intelligence on this planet than just ours. 

Our Food Is Energy Beyond What Is Defined As Calories

In addition to nutrition and intelligence, becoming aware that food has energy is important. Food is also 99.99999% energy and .00001% matter. Humans must consider the way foods are handled, treated, and grown. The attention, or not, paid to it and the care in which it is handled. The microbial content of the soil, the history of the soil, the climate and stress of the plant, the farmers and planet. The happiness and virility of the plant, the quality of the air it breathes.

How could these not affect the nutrition, energy content, quality, and taste? A human will be less healthy, and more prone to illness should they be raised on a meager diet, exposed to dangerous chemicals, high stress, and starved of nutrients. What is the disconnect here? It’s not just a plant. We are what we eat.

Stress Is Stress, In All Life Forms

Why would this idea be so radical or different for any living thing, plant, insect, or animal? Fear causes the release of chemicals. The release of chemicals causes fear. More stress impacts healthy functioning.

In animals these hormones have been shown to taint the flavor of the meat and cheese. Why wouldn’t this be applicable to a plant? Plants are living and they communicate with each other. Maybe humans don’t speak plant language—though these days there are some scientists who are learning to speak plant.

Basic intelligence should cause us to infer the same, as with all other living things. They are still 99.99999% energy. Common sense would also dictate that a healthy plant will possess more nutrition and taste.

Chef Dan Barber

Chef Dan Barber of Blue Hill Farm and Stone Barns has proven this. He has been named one of America’s 100 most influential people in Time magazine. He has also received several James Beard awards and given Ted talks. In his Ted talks he highlights how sustainability actually creates better tasting food. I recommend watching his Ted talks. They are very interesting. He is referred to in The Gothamist as a “chef-thinker,” exploring taste, sustainability, and meaning in food.

For one of his experiments he partnered with some local farms in upstate New York. What they found is nothing short of remarkable. Healthier plants—as defined by more microbial diversity within the soil they grow in—had fuller, more flavorful profiles and higher nutritional content.

Turns Out It’s All About The Microbiome

Remember, the microbiome in the soil interacts with the roots of the plant. These microscopic life forms make nutrients bio-available to the plant.  In much the same way, bacteria in the human gut makes nutrients available for the human body.

Healthier soil is defined by more diversity of microbes, in turn facilitating more availability of nutrients for plant uptake. This made the plants produce taste better and have more nutrition. It’s so very simple, let nature work for us. Nature knows the way, having been around much longer than humans have. There are a couple more studies that further these ideas.

Energy Is Omnipresent

Scientists in Europe made cheese from goat’s milk. For this study. They herded goats into a pristine mountain pasture, full of herbs and grasses. In an area with no known predators. The goats were encircled with a natural wood fence. When the time came, the scientists milked the goats and made cheese. Then they tested for stress hormones and other related compounds.

The experiment was repeated. Same goats, same pasture. This time the scientists replaced the wood with an electric fence to contain the goats. What they discovered was that the goats, when enclosed by an electric fence, produced milk with more stress hormones. This resulted in the cheese being described as having “off flavors”. When compared to the first cheese made when the goats were enclosed by a wooden fence.

Goats therefore must be able to sense the electric field created by the electric fence, inducing stress. This is just one of the most basic examples where energy is more present than humans take into consideration. Every living plant and animal, including humans, are tapped into this field of energy all around us.

Humans Have The Same Sense Of Perception

Have you ever been to New York City? As a resident for twenty years it was very obvious that humans are able to detect this energy. As soon as you cross the Hudson river from New Jersey, the energy in Manhattan is very strong and present enough to feel it.

Humanity may have dulled their overt perception to lesser energies. Yet, this doesn’t rule out the possibility. We are much more connected than we are able to recognize. Not only that, but humans are actually able to fine tune this connection, to gain a better reception to the energy. To be able to use and communicate with the energy that surrounds us and creates our physical being.

I’m sure you can think of an experience in your life where you had thought transference with a close friend, lover, or relative. There are studies that prove we can read other peoples minds. From couples “thinking in sync” to being able to feel it when someone is looking at you, and more.

Once we fine tune the reception, we are able to receive the messages more accurately. To bring this into a more overt unconscious behavior. I believe the first step is to remove the toxins dulling our sensors by actively changing our diet and lifestyle. Learn more how to do this in The Political Gut.

Artificial Sweeteners Cause Depression

Even if the label says “sugar free” it is most likely is not sweetener free. Even worse, artificial sweeteners cause depression and are toxic for the brain. One study by the NIH (National Institute of Health) showed that people who drink diet drinks with artificial sweeteners are more depressed than those who don’t.

I personally stopped eating sugar about 5 years ago. It wasn’t easy. Almost every item in the supermarket contains sugar, corn syrup, artificial sweetener, or a sugar derivative. Many times it is a combination. Even pet food has sugar in it. Over the years I became an expert at finding this hidden drug.

Another NIH study found that artificial sweeteners are are affecting the concentrations of mood-regulating neurotransmitters. Which can be toxic for your brain. Sugar and it’s derivatives like high fructose corn syrup can also cause brain inflammation. This of course than lead to fatigue and depression as well.

Sugar Has Many Detrimental Effects To Your Health

Among many other detrimental effects, sugar feeds tumors and cancer cells. This is called the ‘Warburg Effect,’ named after Dr. Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize in 1931.

He figured out, wait for it, that cancer feeds itself by fermenting sugar. In my book I mention about Auto Brewery Syndrome and the potential for corn syrup to ferment in your gut. Not only that, this process can alter your genes through epigenetic expression.

Of course I cannot forget to mention diabetes, fatigue, addiction, serotonin deficiency and obesity. All unwanted negative side effects of eating and consuming sugar and artificial sweeteners on a daily basis. If you want to get your energy back and feel happier, cutting our sugar and artificial sweeteners is a must.

Not to mention the negative energy associated with the production and cultivation of sugar over millennia. Million of people were enslaved just to harvest sugar. Still to this day. In my book the The Political Gut I elaborate more, detailing sugars history and studies which have shown that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. No wonder it’s in almost all the foods you buy at the supermarket. Sugar is also in your fast food french fries. Fried in oils that have been shown to cause depression as well.

Corn Syrup May Be Altering Your DNA

If bacteria in our gut can alter our brain functions, mood, and thinking clarity, then I think it would be safe to say that corn syrup may be altering your DNA. Consuming a commercial product—made using bacteriological production methods—could have an adverse effect on our health, mental clarity, and even the expression of our genes.

Corn Syrup And Its Derivatives

Here, I am specifically referring to corn syrup and its derivatives, dextrose, maltose and high fructose corn syrup. Highly fermentable sugars made from corn starch. They may seem pretty harmless on the surface since they are made from corn. But, maybe they are not so harmless after all. The majority are made from GMO (genetically modified) corn. When you dig deeper into the production methods and learn more about the process, things become less simple.

The Chemical Process Of Making Corn Syrup

First, the starch has to be separated from the corn kernels. They do this by mixing water with sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide is a toxic gas emitted from volcanoes. When you burn a match, that smell is sulfur dioxide gas.

After a few more processes all of the starch has been separated. The producer then uses enzymes excreted from bacteria and fungi. These bacteria and fungi also have been genetically modified to meet commercial production needs for replicability. One of the more common forms of bacterium used is Bacillus licheniformis which is most commonly found in dirt. 

Corn Syrup Is Made From Bacterial Excretions

Bacillus species produce enzymes called α-amylase through excretion. Excretion is a nice sounding word but let’s put it in context. What is human excrement? Feces, shit, poop, doo-doo whatever you want to call it. It’s a waste product in this form and contains genes and DNA. Remember the mice who were given human feces in chapter 4? 

The enzyme α-amylase is prevalent in the human body, and is most commonly found in human saliva. In saliva it breaks down starch into maltose and dextrin, which is harmless enough in human form, bearing human based DNA strands.

The fungi used to make corn syrup and its derivatives is Aspergillus. Aspergillus excretes γ-amylase which further helps to convert the oligosaccharides created from the α-amylase into glucose. Like Bacillus, Aspergillus has many different species. Some species are used to make Sake (Japanese rice wine), others are used in medicine. Yet, other forms will make a human sick. Think black mold.   

DNA Soup

Corn syrup could be altering your DNA. Here is where it gets interesting. In saliva, depending on your diet, you could have different DNA copies of α-amylase genes. Remember in chapter 4 where I talk about how the number of DNA/genes in microbiota living in/on the human body significantly outnumber human DNA/genes. Imagine a big old pot of soup. That is what’s going on in the human gut. Human genes, genes from food, fungi genes, bacteria genes, archaea genes all blending together. Big business is well aware of this.

One such brand is Nestlé. Nestlé’s former CEO, when asked, is on record referring to water as a human right being an “extreme” argument. In essence he does not agree with the statement that water is a human right. Of course this comes from a company that is one of the largest sellers of bottled water on the planet. This kind of thinking should make you start thinking.

Epigenetics, A Little Know Way To Alter Your Genes

I bring up Nestlé because they have hundreds of scientists working on the science and technology of their products. Nestlé, of course, isn’t the only company that operates this way. One field specifically Nestlé focuses on is the epigenetic impacts of diet and lifestyle on individual health.

The term epigenetics describes the study of how different biological and environmental signals affect gene expression. There are basically two types of gene expression. The ones you are born with, like your skin tone, and the color of your hair and eyes. And then there are environmental or epigenetic gene expressions.

Epigenetic gene expression makes changes to chemical groups in genes, essentially turning them on or off. I don’t want to bog you down with all the technical elements. Just be aware that food, stress and environment, among other things, can and does alter your genes. There is a lot of info out there and it is fascinating. I suggest you do some homework here.

Your Energy Can Affect Gene Expression

I have been talking a lot about energy so far. A big part of what this book’s message is about is energy. We’re all just energy after all. There happens to be yet another, energetic way to alter your genes.

There is a non-profit health organization called the HearthMath institute. “HeartMath Institute is committed to helping awaken the heart of humanity. We believe that when we align and connect our hearts and minds and connect with others, we awaken the higher mental, emotional and spiritual capacities that frequently lie dormant.” This is straight from the about page on the HearthMath website.

Magnetic Fields Are Powerful

Carlo Ventura, M.D., Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief of the World Journal of Stem Cells and professor at the University of Bologna in Italy. Discovered that by using magnetic field frequencies stem cells can be altered. Not only that, he says, “nonstem adult cells can be epigenetically reprogrammed backward to a state where they can eventually give rise to neural cells, cardiac cells, skeletal muscle cells or insulin-producing cells.” Talk about malleability!

Drawing my own conclusions from this information. We can infer that everyday of our life we are changing and have the ability to manipulate our own gene expression. The secret is tapping into that magnetism. The HeartMath Institute seems to have found one way to do exactly that. As mentioned already, genetic determinism is the traits you are born with. Epigenetics is signaling genes on and off.

Being A Victim Of Nature Or Controlling Your Health Destiny

Stem cell biologist and bestselling author Bruce Lipton, PhD says, “The difference between these two is significant because this fundamental belief called genetic determinism literally means that our lives, which are defined as our physical, physiological and emotional behavioral traits, are controlled by the genetic code,” He further states, “This kind of belief system provides a visual picture of people being victims: If the genes control our life function, then our lives are being controlled by things outside of our ability to change them. This leads to victimization that the illnesses and diseases that run in families are propagated through the passing of genes associated with those attributes. Laboratory evidence shows this is not true.”

Quantum Nutrients

Here is where energy comes in. HearthMath Institute calls this energy “Quantum Nutrients.” According to Dr. Lipton, “When we have negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and dislike or hate, or think negative thoughts…we experience stress and our energy reserves are redirected.” Researchers have found that human intentions can alter DNA strands using what HearthMath Institute refers to as heart coherence, “a beneficial state of mental, emotional and physical balance and harmony.” Think meditation but more complex.

The heart generates a stronger electromagnetic field than the brain does. In one 2003 study, Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention by McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, it states, “Individuals capable of generating high ratios of heart coherence were able to alter DNA conformation according to their intention… Control group participants showed low ratios of heart coherence and were unable to intentionally alter the conformation of DNA.”

What this means is that through thoughtful, heart centered intention, participants in this study were able to change DNA samples through focused intentions. These participants were able to alter their personal energetic signature and embed simple command messages inside of it. In turn changing their electromagnetic field into a sort of programming module that interacted with DNA strands. Specifically, they held DNA in a test tube in their hand and focused on unraveling the strands, and it worked.

Previously, I mentioned Robert Edward Grant. Remember he had made some discoveries implying that humans are made from binary code set into our DNA through frequencies. If our DNA can be created through energetic means then it can also be altered through the same. Which is what these studies have shown.

Serotonin Regulates Mood, Anxiety and Depression

If you are unaware, sugar is the most legal addictive substance in the world. Think about how your mood and energy levels change after consuming, or during a prolonged absence of sugar in your diet. Not only that, sugar significantly affects serotonin levels. As I mentioned, roughly 93% of your body’s serotonin is produced in the gut.

Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that regulates mood, anxiety and depression. Most antidepressants work by blocking serotonin receptors. All of these factors combine as an alteration of your personality and energetic signature.

When consuming corn syrup we are affecting serotonin production. That’s why we get the sugar rush. By inhabiting our guts, these corn syrup producing microorganisms could very well be altering our gene expression, affecting fear response, mood, energy levels, electromagnetic signature, thinking, clarity, and sending craven signals to our brain to eat more foods with corn syrup in them.

How Corn Syrup, Food And Energy Are Altering Your DNA

Let’s tie it all together. This is how corn syrup may be altering your DNA. Extrapolating from above, we know that food, environment, and energy are able to alter human DNA expression. We also know that microorganisms in our gut can affect our thinking, mood, fear response and energy. We also know that our mood, thinking, and intentions can alter energy and our genes.

Corn syrup is produced using the waste products of bacteria and fungi. In the process of separating the α-amylase from the bacteria, and the γ-amylase from the fungi. It is almost certain that there are still DNA, bacteria and fungi (or spores) present in the solution used to manufacture the starches into corn syrup and the final product.

Even if, and this is a big if, the producers were able to completely remove all these bacteria and fungi. The process uses some of the most common forms available. Meaning you are likely ingesting and inhaling these same bacteria and fungi regularly. It’s very possible these microorganisms are actively consuming sugars and/or fermenting carbohydrates into corn syrup in your gut altering your energy signatures negatively.

Read More in The Political Gut available on Amazon in Kindle and print formats May 20th, 2022.

Probiotics And The Gut Brain Connection

It would seem that there is no way humans could live on Earth without bacteria known as probiotics. Probiotics also make an important connection, via the vagus nerve, to the brain. Known as the gut brain connection. These microoraganisms control us much more than we may want to think.

There have been some interesting studies done with mice and the probiotic bacteria, lactobacillus. In one such study at McMaster University in Canada. Mice were placed in a stressful situation to measure anxiety and stress response. One at a time a single mouse was placed in a bucket of water. With no way to escape. The goal of this study was to see how gut bacteria might influence brain behavior and stress response.

The control group were just normal mice. Eating normal mice food. The study group had been fed lactobacillus rhamnosus, a probiotic bacteria. The control group, when placed in the water, swam frantically, trying to escape until they were exhausted.

The study group—the one fed lactobacillus rhamnosus—swam in a less frantic, thoughtful manner. After the mice had given up and stopped swimming. The researchers removed them from the water and tested for corticosterone. Corticosterone is the mice version of the human stress hormone, cortisone. They found that the study group, the mice fed lactobacillus rhamnosus, had significantly lower levels of corticosterone than the control group.

The Vagus Nerve

For the second part of the study the scientists severed the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It contains both motor and sensory functions and runs from the medulla oblongata all the way to the gut. For our purposes here you just need to understand that it connects the stomach to the brain. In man and mice.

When the scientists ran the same tests after severing the vagus nerve. They found that the lactobacillus rhamnosus had absolutely no effect on anxiety reaction or corticosterone production.

This finding suggests that the gut brain connection has an important linkage—more importantly, that there is a link between bacteria in the stomach and chemical function in the brain. Lactobacillus rhamnosus was shown to minimize the production of the fear-inducing hormone corticosterone. This in turn, helped to minimize stress and fear reaction.

Stress And IBS

Another study worth mentioning was done by Jay Pasricha, M.D., Director of Johns Hopkins Center for Neurogastroenterology. In terms of constipation, diarrhea, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), researchers are finding that irritation in the gut ends up sending signals to the brain that trigger mood changes. “For decades, researchers and doctors thought that anxiety and depression contributed to these problems. But our studies and others show that it may also be the other way around,” Pasricha says. “That’s important, because up to 30 to 40 percent of the population has functional bowel problems at some point.”

What doctor Pasricha is saying. Stress, anxiety and depression are caused by bowel problems, rather than contributing to the onset of these problems. Scientists have just located the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the gut-brain connection. There are many studies out there showing how gut bacteria affect mood, thinking clarity, and so on.

If you want to learn more. Here are a couple books you should check out; Giulia Enders, Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ and The Mind-Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer, MD. If you are interested in learning more about your body and how it works. This knowledge will empower and motivate you to eat healthier. It will also improve your quality of life. 

Making Your Own Probiotic Rich Foods

Making your own fermented foods at home is a fun hobby. In one sitting you can make months worth of probiotic snacks that contain lactobacillus. If you need help to get started. There’s an excellent book by Sandor Katz called the Art of Fermentation. This book has all the information and recipes you will ever need to ferment almost anything at home.

Something else to keep in mind. There really shouldn’t be more than a gram or two of sugar in any type of probiotic food. Ideally, all of the sugar will be fermented out. So with store bought items check the added sugar content. And it’s not just sucrose. Sweeteners have 56 different names, which I will detail more later on.

Probiotic foods like sauerkraut, tempeh, miso and pickles shouldn’t have any sugar at all. Check the label if you are buying kimchi. Store bought kimchi will often have sugar in it. I make kimchi at home all the time and you can leave out the sugar when you do it yourself. It is not a necessary ingredient.

One other thing to keep in mind. Products listing microflora count on the packaging. If it’s counted, there is a very good chance it’s added. These are not living, natural probiotics. Most of these products have been heat pasteurized. Which means you are consuming the dead bacteria. The producers then add probiotics back in. 

All Gut Health Studies Say The Same Thing

All of the gut related studies out there suggest the same thing: improper microbial gut balance, affects decision making, mood, skin health, energy levels and creates a tendency to overreact to stress and fear. Bad bacteria will make you unhealthy and can cause you to make poor decisions. When you pair these facts with some other fascinating psychologically based brain studies the picture becomes even clearer.